Lord Byron has a Cousin. Her name is Empress CiCi-- she and Byron are cousins because
their humans are sisters. She is a very special Russian Blue Cat: here is her picture.
She loves pretty things, especially flowers. We give her a vase with flowers next
to her food bowl. CiCi rules the humans like she is an Empress. She is very lovable,
but when she wants something, like a little chicken meat, or a new collar, she tells
us and we get it for her immediately. We try to keep her happy and purring all the
Empress CiCi together with Lord Byron
She is enjoying the wrapping from
one of the presents we have given her.
LB is doing very well-- here is also a recent photo of him in the garden... It
is hard to believe he is more than 11 years old!

Here is a drawing I made of Lord Byron, and a cartoon I drew of a rice ball shaped
like a cat... they are just for fun. :-)
Lord Byron
Meow-Omusubi (a rice ball)