Room # 702

Lord Byron
Lord Byron

September 9th, 1999

This is my Lord Byron!

Don't you think his name is wonderful?
Yes, Lord Byron likes his name too! He is very fluffy and likes to display his fur proudly.

LB (his nickname) loves to lick the inside of ice cream containers also! (but my favorite is chocolate and I don't think chocolate is good for the cats). I will let him eat vanilla and coconut bars which are ok for him. His tongue is very powerful on the ice cream bar and will wear a groove on it!

LB is a little shy and like other Norwegian Forest Cats, he has some very special meowing. He like to trill which sounds like "purrow purrow" when he is happy.

His favorite toy is a little piece of cardboard on a wire. LB loves catnip! He will roll around like he is a little boy and scratch his tiger-like claws at the scratching post.

LB's toilet manners are very good and when his owner forgets (oh..oh) to clean the litter box, he will meow to tell me about it.
