Room # 602

Toraichi OHKI
Toraichi OHKI

Little Toraichi


Toraichi OHKI


Hello! I'm Toraichi.
I'm new in this world, please be my friend!
Stephanie in the room #302 is my sister and Ayano is my grandmother.

September 9th, 1999

I'm Toraichi!

I was born on May 28th. Then I lived next door with my mother and 4 brothers.
But Mom asked me to live with her, I moved here her house.

There are Stephanie, Tacchan and Tomochan (they are human beings), too. They play with me every day.
Also Ayano, my grandmother was with us, but now she's not here.

Though I'm a little kitten now, I'll be much bigger!!

I'm a cruel animal!

But tiny as an insect?

I love being in a box.

Toraichi: Hey, Sis....
Stephanie: Shat up! I'm eating now!
