Cats' Apartment

Room # 403




Hello (^o^)/ I'm Leo.
My birthday is October 6, 1998.
My favorite is sucking Mom's fingers.
I'm glad to see you in this apartment! ♪

March 10th, 1999

The First Encounter with Mom
I was born in the apartment where Mom's friend lived.
She found me and my brothers in a carton box (someone left outside). We're still wet and sucking mother's (I mean my biological mother) breast.

Two days later, I first met Mom. When she came to that apartment of her friend, mother was taking us out one by one. She was moving somewhere. I was the last. I really wanted to be with my family soon, so I cried and cried, but mother never came back. I don't know why she didn't came back to me. Anyway, I had to stay alone that night. It was very cold, and I was so lonely.

Next day, Mom decided to take me to her home. She was afraid that mother would never come back.
But the problem was that she's never lived with cats and knew almost nothing about cats. She went to the vet to ask how to bring me up, like the food and the toilet training. The doctor said to her, "It must be difficult for you to bring him up since you've never lived with cats and he's so small." This gave Mom a shock. But she tried her best. Of course, I did my best!

I couldn't see anything yet then, I could recognize Mom's smell and voice, I answered her calling me.
Finally, I could see her gentle face, it took 10 days!

Leo - 1st day

My first day with Mom. I was only 109g.

Leo - I can see!

On this day, I saw Mom's face first time.
